
The Committee of Management comprises three elected officers representing genetics, orthopaedics and radiology, a co-opted clinical member(s), trainee representative and chairperson. Other members may be co-opted as per the AGM. The committee is supported by an administrator.

New committee members/officers are elected at the AGM held during the Autumn meeting, and take up their position at the beginning of the following year.  Members can submit nominations prior to the AGM and the committee also submits their own nomination.

The period of office is 3 years with possible re-election for a further 3 years only.  The Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer are appointed by the committee.


Committee Members


Position Member (Speciality if not specified) Location
Chairperson Professor Amaka C Offiah (Radiology) Sheffield
Honorary Treasurer, Mr Sangeet Gangadharan            Norwich
Radiology Representative Dr Joy Barber London
Clinical Genetics Representative Dr Rhoda Akilapa  London
Co-opted Member Dr Moira Cheung (Endocrinology) London
Trainee Member Dr Laura Watts (Clinical Genetics Registrar) Oxford
Administrator Mrs Nicky Bishop Norwich